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Extreme Preparedness Initiave Co-Op


Preparing for epic events in your back yard

Extream Prepardness Initive Co-Operative
Got Your Go Bag Ready ?

Do it now, find a napsack or small back pack  and gather these few things. Put them in the pack,  and stow the pack in safe and accessable place. Check the contence every fortnight making sure everything is still there.

Volcanic Events you have days to minuets to evacuate.

Hurricane / Tropical Storms you may have hours to minuets to get to a safe zone.

Tsunami / Tidal Waves you may have only a few minutes to seconds to move to high ground.

Earth Quakes, fire, outer space impacts, violent humans ; only a matter of seconds.


DON’T WASTE YOUR TIME , by looking for gear to take, have it ready too……..


Are you passionate about surviving? 

Become a town / district Co-Op leader and start running monthly meetings. Email us and we will put your name  and contact number on our online register.


Co-Op Leader kits are in the works of being made available, cost for these are not yet available.

What are the meetings about?

Meetings are a freindly fun event held each month by your district Co-Op leader. Each meeting has a scheduled topic of disscussion which will be lead by one of the members from the Co-Op (usually something that member is passionate about or has done resurch on ). 

Commong topics are.....
  • Go Bags and the kit within

  • Provisions at home and on the run

  • First aid and medical common sense

  • Local threats and best practice if they occur

  • Self-defence at home and out & about

  • Water, Water, Water and what to do when you have none

  • Clothing and why exposure kills before starvation.

  • Up-skilling, just because you left school doesn’t mean the learning stops.

  • Community networking, resource management and efficient HR  systems

  • Civil Defence and how do they operate

  • Guest Speakers and their expertise.

  • COMS - Comunication systems

  • When is it best to but out, "Whats the Plan Man!"

  • etc.......

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